Atlas of drawings `Practical course of cabinetmaking art`, M. Netyksa

Atlas of drawings for the book "Practical course of carpentry", M. Netyksa. A set of drawings - 41 sheets, A3 format. The author is M. A. Netyksa, a member of the Scientific Department of the Society for the Dissemination of Technical Knowledge.
Отзывов: 1
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The book `Practical course of cabinetmaking art`, M. Netyksa

A fundamental book on wood handling for professionals and amateurs, which was the basic textbook on carpentry for the entire first half of the twentieth century. Moscow, 1901. Reprint edition of St. Petersburg 2016. Format 145x215 mm, hard cloth binding, 680 pages, 755 illustrations. The author is M. A. Netyksa, a member of the Scientific Department of the Society for the Dissemination of Technical Knowledge.
Отзывов: 1
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Village furniture by Bogdanova O.V.

The book "Peasant furniture", Bogdanova O.V. A full-color edition on coated paper of peasant furniture of the late 19th - early 20th century in the museum's collection. The catalog presents a collection of peasant furniture of the late XIX - early XX century from the collection of the open-air museum "Malye Korely", numbering more than 150 items. When compiling the catalog, archival documents and field materials collected by the museum staff in numerous historical and ethnographic expeditions around the Arkhangelsk region were used. The publication is addressed to specialists, as well as to all connoisseurs of traditional folk culture.
1200p(18.46) out of stock
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Книга "Практический курс токарного искусства", М. Нетыкса

Книга о токарном искусстве как о отдельном ремесле включающим в себя не только работу на токарном станке. Данная книга была базовым учебником по токарной обработке древесины и кости всю первую половину ХХ века.Москва 1910г/ Репринтное издание СПб 2017г. Формат 145х215 мм, твёрдый тканевый переплёт, 440 стр.
Автор - М. А. Нетыкса, член Ученого Отдела Общества Распространения Технических Знаний.
Отзывов: 1
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The Spoonmaking guide, I.Vasiliev

The book "Guide to the carving of wooden spoons", I. Vasiliev. The first and only book in Russian about the carving of a wooden spoon. After reading it, you can make your own eco-friendly cutlery. The book contains not only a step-by-step description of all the stages of working with an ax and a knife, but also subsequent processing, which will allow you to preserve the product for a long time. You will find all the secrets of making, using and storing in the manual. Traditional wooden spoon carving is a craft that can generate extra income or become a great hobby. Spoon carving is the first step in mastering volumetric carving. Once you have learned how to carve wooden spoons, you can easily switch to carving figurines, toys, etc. This book is an easy start into the world of carving.
800p(12.3) out of stock
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Diy Prefab Houses by Beamer Will

A master's book with forty years of experience is a beginner's guide to building houses and other structures with a time-tested timber frame. The book describes how to build a house in a specific style, this style is called Timberframe.
Unlike modern frame houses, such structures have served faithfully for many generations. There is everything here to learn how to build durable frame buildings with your own hands.

The basics of design
Materials and tools
Clear and detailed step-by-step instructions
Photos and drawings illustrating each step of the construction.
1170p(17.99) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
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The Complete Knife Cutting Guide for Beginners

You can carve almost anything out of wood with a knife - the only limitation is your imagination. It's easy to start cutting! All you need is a knife, a branch, and this book!

In order to provide beginners with an authoritative, complete guide to cutting with a knife, we have put together a team of 12 leading wood carvers in this book. They share with the reader twenty-four available designs that you can cut out in one weekend.

Projects contain step-by-step instructions with photos, samples, templates, and helpful tips. In addition to projects, the book contains tips for choosing and sharpening a knife, the basics of safe cutting techniques. In addition to a knife, you may need other tools to speed up the work on some crafts.

Start with quick, fun projects that build confidence and teach you the basics of woodcarving techniques, such as Flying Propeller or Owl in 5 Minutes.

Examples, templates, and helpful tips
Materials and tools
Clear and detailed step-by-step instructions
Photos and drawings illustrating each step
670p(10.3) out of stock
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The book `Practical course of cabinetmaking art` + Atlas of drawings, M. Netyksa

The fundamental book on the treatment of wood for professionals and amateurs, which was the basic textbook on woodworking, the entire first half of the twentieth century. Moscow 1901 / Reprint edition of St. Petersburg 2016. Format 145x215 mm, hard fabric binding, 680 pages, 755 illustrations. Also available is a set of drawings attached to the 1901 edition. The author is M. A. Netyksa, a member of the Scientific Department of the Society for the Distribution of Technical Knowledge.

Table of contents.
Division I.
Chapter I. The wood, its structure and properties ... The age of the twood ... The color of the wood ... The density of the wood ...
Chapter II Cutting wood into boards ... Machine sawing boards ... Diseases, defects and structural features of wood ...
Chapter III Various wood species ...
Chapter IV Chemical painting of wood ... Coloring methods and preparation of dye solutions ...
Division II.
Chapter I. The workbench and some adaptations to it ...
Saws and sawing ...
Chapter II Measuring, marking and testing instruments ... Compasses ...
Chapter III Cleaving, curing, cutting and planing ... Planes and planing ...
Chapter IV Rasps and filings ...
Chapter V. Drills and drilling ... Devices and devices for turning various drills ...
Chapter VI. Chisels ... Slotters ...
Chapter VII Various tools and accessories ... Devices for gluing ...
Chapter VIII. Sharpening  ...
Chapter IX The device and acquisition of a workshop ...
Division III. Different types of wooden joints ...
Division IV. Wooden surface finish ...
Division V. Furniture joinery ...
Division VI. Model business ...
Division VII. Machine building ...

Отзывов: 1
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The book `Practical course of woodturning art` + Atlas of drawings, M. Netyksa

The book is about woodturning art as a separate craft that includes not only the work on the lathe. This book was a basic textbook on turning wood and bone throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Moscow 1910 / Reprint edition of St. Petersburg 2017. Format 145x215 mm, hard tissue binding, 440 pages. Also included is an album of drawings attached to the 1910 edition. The author is M. A. Netyksa, a member of the Scientific Department of the Society for the Distribution of Technical Knowledge.

Table of contents.

Division I. Machines, equipment and tools
Division II. Work techniques and special devices
Division III. Various materials in turning
Division IV. Adhesives, putties and surface grinding
Division V. Decoration and Surface Finishing Turning Works

1900p(29.22) out of stock
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Book `Woodwork. Ladders from A to Z`, Milner Mark

Book "Woodwork. Ladders from A to Z", Milner Mark. Writing this book was my goal to create not just a book useful for the course of vocational training, but a reference guide, the detailed instructions of which could be consulted throughout the entire working life.
850p(13.07) out of stock
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Book `Woodwork. Furniture for the home - projects and drawings`, Mark Ripley

The book by the renowned British cabinetmaker and furniture designer is a complete, practical guide to furniture making with fresh, innovative approaches and professional tricks. The laconic lines of the author's furniture are very attractive, his projects are available for production by fairly experienced amateur carpenters and carpentry craftsmen. There are projects for every taste and every opportunity, from a simple dining table to a grandiose bookcase with a multi-level facade in the style of Robert Adam. This impressive collection of furniture designs includes: - Chairs - Tables - Chests of drawers and sideboards - Bookcases and kitchen cabinets - Home furnishings.
700p(10.77) out of stock
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Book "Woodwork. Joinery, time-tested", William Fairham.

Book "Woodwork. Joinery, time-tested", William Fairham.
The book by the respected classic carpenter, William Fairham, is the most complete, comprehensive, illustrated guide to joinery joinery. None of the publications previously published in the world contains such a number of all kinds of joinery compounds, a detailed description of their manufacture and practical use. The book is addressed to all carpenters - from beginners looking to master the basics of craftsmanship to experienced craftsmen and carpentry teachers for use as a desktop reference.
610p(9.38) out of stock
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Книга 'Резные наличники. Центральная Россия'

Книга "Резные наличники. Центральная Россия". Книга о наличниках, в которую входит более двух тысяч фотографий и истории, записанные в ходе экспедиций нескольких лет.

"Поскольку три четверти содержимого книги — фотографии, то и размер её настолько большой, насколько только можно было: 275х350мм. Это больше, чем энциклопедия. Это восхитительно много и даже мелкие детали резьбы наличников будут видны. Собственно это настолько много, что я переживаю, что вы скажете, что книга слишком велика и не встаёт на полку. Но... мелкие фотографии есть и в сети, а в книге на каждом развороте — наслаждение красотой и масштабом.

В книге две части.

Первая — небольшая. История появления и развития наличников и домовой резьбы от XI века до наших дней. Что было до их появления, как они распространялись и изменялись, как на них повлияли каменная архитектура, восстание Декабристов, промышленная революция, Великая Отечественная Война и многое другое.

Вторая — занимает основной объем книги и, в свою очередь, тоже состоит из двух частей: каталога видов наличников и разговоров с жителями домов, произошедших на протяжении последних двенадцати лет. Все шестнадцать областей Центрального Федерального Округа представлены более чем полутора сотнями видов наличников, рассказов, каждый из которых не менее важен, чем резные окошки, — столько же. Поэтому на каждом развороте слева — пара видов наличников, а справа — рассказ.  
6800p(104.58) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
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Книга 'Резьба деревянной ложки своими руками', Игорь Васильев

Книга "Резьба деревянной ложки своими руками", Игорь Васильева посвящена процессу создания деревянной ложки. Начиная от подготовительных работ и заканчивая финишным покрытием.

Отзывов: 1
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Book `Carving with a knife. Crafts from branches`, Lubkemann Chris

A book for novice carvers and creative people. Chris Lübkemann describes knife techniques. This edition contains over 500 color illustrations. The author describes the process of making wooden crafts with detailed step-by-step instructions from the simplest branches that can be found “underfoot”. Even a teenager can cut out crafts from branches and twigs with a penknife or cutting knife.

Leisure edition. Series "Secrets of Craftsmanship". Released in hardcover. The volume of the publication is 104 pages.
590p(9.07) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
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Book `Woodcarving. Lessons of the master`, Ilyaev Mikhail

The pages of this book, intended for beginners and professional woodcarvers, describe the author's many years of experience - a carver and teacher, the founder of the Moscow school of woodcarving. Beginners will learn how to set up their workshop, choose a tool, how to use it correctly, how to create their first works, and how to perfect their craft. Sophisticated carvers will be interested in the author's original ideas and techniques, practical advice on creating circles, studios, equipping a workshop, organizing exhibitions and competitions.

Hard cover. year of issue: 2020 192 pages
Отзывов: 1
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Книга 'Ремонт и реставрация старинных деревянных предметов', Ненашев С.И,

Книга "Ремонт и реставрация старинных деревянных предметов", Ненашев С.И,

В книге рассказывается о том, как в России развивалась обработка древесины, какие инструменты и технологии использовали старые мастера, какие деревянные изделия рождались в их руках на протяжении столетий, какие материалы для этого использовались, как они изменялись со временем. Читатель узнает о том, как определить возраст и происхождение старинных деревянных предметов, научиться выявлять имеющиеся у них дефекты и устранять их своими руками.Автор, профессиональный реставратор, кандидат наук, подробно описывает основные приемы и методы расчистки старинных предметов от загрязнений, реставрации лакокрасочных покрытий, устранения возрастных дефектов, механических повреждений, вмятин, трещин, восстановления целостности разломов, восполнения утрат, реконструкции недостающих фрагментов, имитации различных материалов, искусственного состаривания древесины, нанесения отделочных покрытий. В заключительной части книги рассказывается об особенностях реставрации мягкой мебели, сундуков, бондарных изделий, домашней утвари, русских прялок, музыкальных инструментов, икон, корпусов часов и радиоприемников, изделий из бересты. Материал богато иллюстрирован авторскими рисунками и фотоснимками. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей.

2000p(30.76) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
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Книга 'Реставрация старинной мебели', Даниэль Алькуф

Книга "Реставрация старинной мебели". Автор книги Даниэль Алькуф - главный хранитель отдела прикладного искусства в Лувре и реставратор-практик. Книга представляет собой сумму опыта и принципов реставрации старинной мебели. Практические рекомендации и предостережения, изложенные в этой небольшой работе, проиллюстрированы схемами и фотографиями. Книга будет ценным практическим и теоретическим пособием для реставраторов и сотрудников музеев. Издание в твердом переплете, 213 страниц. Издание на русском языке, перевод с французского В.Тимофеев. Издательство – Symposium (Россия)
Отзывов: 1
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Book `Modern carpentry workshop`, Bazhan Yu.P.

Book "Modern carpentry workshop", Bazhan Yu.P. Moscow. 2020. Hardcover. 292 pp. Coated paper.
2000p(30.76) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
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Learn to Burn Wood: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners by Easton Simon

In this accessible, clear and practical introduction to the art of wood burning (pyrography), pyrograph artist Simon Easton introduces the reader to the basics of pyrography - from purchasing tools and materials to adjusting equipment and safety precautions. Shows in detail and clearly how to master all the basic techniques of work - from simple strokes to texturing, writing letters, making shadows and finishing.
Отзывов: 1
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woodworking Awl, 165mm, straight blade, 80*5*5mm, PETROGRAD

Woodworking awl has a square blade profile that allows you to transfer much more power and mark the center of the holes with great control by not stray under the influence of wood fibers.

  • Awl blade is made of carbon steel and hardened in oil to HRC 55-60.
  • Blade length is 80mm
  • Cross section is 5mm x 5mm.
  • The shape of the handle allows you to abut the whole palm.
  • Handle made from maple, covered with linseed oil and compressed by a brass ring in attachment of blade .
  • Awl full length 165mm.

Woodworking awl was hand maded by Petrograd toolworks in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

Отзывов: 1

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 170mm/40mm

Carving knives for general use, as well as for large material removal. Blade length 40mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. All the knives are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1

Sharpening set PETROGRAD N4, for knives, 6 stones

Water stones. Grain size: 150, 360, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000. Size 15х15х120mm. Abrasive grain - silicon carbide. Bundle - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during operation. When sharpening does not overheat the steel. Does not require the use of oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Production - made in Russia.

To select and order an abrasive stone of desired grain size, click on the name of the product.

Отзывов: 3

Carving set PETROGRAD, N14

Carving set PETROGRAD, N14
The set includes:
Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 155mm/40mm
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, right-handed
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, left-handed
Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 120*15*15mm, 1000 grit
Textile 6 pocket Tool Roll, PETROGRAD, 360*260mm, for carving knives
Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.


Отзывов: 1

Leather fingertip for woodcarvers

Leather fingertip is a thumb guard for wood carvers by Petrograd toolworks. Designed to protect hands from sharp tools. Thumb guard protects your finger from cut injuries when you are moving the cutting tool towards thumb, and prevents the formation of calluses when working away from yourself. Watch pictures for more info.

  • made of 2mm leather
  • easy to use
  • save you from injures

Guard has a special ring that prevents it from slipping during operation. The thimble was made of 2mm soft leather, which provides good protection for the toe.

Thumb guard was made by Petrograd toolworks in Saint Petersburg Russia

Отзывов: 1

Lathe's tool rest PETROGRAD, arrm 350mm*D20mm, bar D25.4mm*150mm

The hand-arm for the lathe straight, PETROGRAD, 350mm, rod D25.4mm * 150mm. Straight T-shaped from a round bar with a diameter of 20mm. The clamping rod has a diameter of 25.4mm. Working rod length 350mm. Suitable for a variety of lathes. Smooth, round, non-hardened steel bar to avoid spoiling your cutting tool. Allows your cutters to slide easily and work at different angles. The round profile always has one point of support, regardless of the angle of inclination of the cutter, which makes it more convenient and versatile. This tool is for lathes.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

Отзывов: 1

PETROGRAD Cup Chuck D55mm for Woodturning Lathe M33х3.5mm

Chuck diameter 55mm. Steel unhardened chuck for turning centers. A simple and reasonably safe chuck compared to a jaw chuck. Simple and reliable and compact. Allows you to work in close proximity to it. Thread М33х3.5mm. Parts are easily and securely fastened in the chuck, as the chuck has a small inner cone. It is also possible to work without a back center.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

Отзывов: 1

Wooden spoon blanks set (Linden)

A set of blanks for making wooden spoons. The set includes two linden bars and 6 original patterns.

  • Bars measuring 200x40x25mm and 200x30x22mm.
  • Linden is a material for a beginner carver that does not require much work.
  • Excellent sanding and tinting.
  • Wood color is white.
  • Great for subsequent painting.

Before starting work, it is recommended to copy the drawings for further use on other workpieces.

Wooden blanks by Petrograd toolworks. Made in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

Отзывов: 1

PETROGRAD Center Finder, type 2, D200mm

Center finder, model n2, D200mm. Round center finder for marking and finding the center of the workpiece for turning. This is a measuring tool with which the center of the end face of cylindrical or arbitrary-shaped workpieces is found. The center-finder is made of polycarbonate. The maximum diameter of the measured workpiece is up to 200mm. Do not heat above 75 ° C. The step of the measuring scale is 10 degrees, from 0-200mm.

Отзывов: 1

Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 200*70*20mm, 120 grit

Abrasive water stones. Grit: 120, 150, 360, 500, 800, 1000,1500, 2000 and 4000 grit. Size 200x70x20mm. The abrasive grain is silicon carbide. Bond - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during work. Steel does not overheat when sharpening. Does not require oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Manufactured in Russia.

Отзывов: 1