Carving knife PETROGRAD, Finnish type, 200mm/60mm

Carving knives with a sharp tip are designed for detailing and working in hard to reach places. Blade length 45mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to a 59-61 HRc. All the cutters are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 170mm/40mm

Carving knives for general use, as well as for large material removal. Blade length 40mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. All the knives are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Swedish type, 200mm/60mm

Carving knives with a straight butt and a curved cutting edge are great for strength work. Blade length 45mm or 60mm. The length of the handle - 115mm. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Finnish type, 175mm/45mm

Carving knives with a sharp tip are designed for detailing and working in hard to reach places. Blade length 45mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to a 59-61 HRc. All the cutters are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, model Fish

Carving knives for general use, as well as for large material removal. Blade length 56 mm or 38 mm, beveled butt. Comfortable oval maple handle soaked in oil. The length of the handle - 130mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 1.8 mm thick blade is made of 65G high carbon steel (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066), hardened to 59-61 HRc. All the knives are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools.Made in Russia.

Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Swedish type, 180mm/40mm

Carving knives with a straight butt and a curved cutting edge are great for strength work. Blade length 45mm or 60mm. The length of the handle - 115mm. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 200mm/60mm

Carving knives for general use, as well as for large material removal. Blade length 40mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. All the knives are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, type 1, D 27mm, left-handed

Spoon knife  (or shallow hook knife) is used to made wooden spoon, as well as for other similar work. Spoon knife blade is cutting out a hollow in a wooden spoon or scoop. Spoon knife N1 has a ring profile of blade. That's making it perfectly choose for cut wooden spoons bowl. The left version of knife is designed to work with the left hand towards yourself or right hand to outside.

  • Knife blade width - 8 mm.
  • The inner radius of the blade - 15mm.
  • Spoon cutter length - 45 mm
  • Handle length - 130 mm
  • Total length of the spoon knife - 175 mm
  • Spoon knife blade made from tool steel (9ХС; 150Cr14, 90CrSi, 90CrSi5) and hardened up to 58-60HRC.
  • All hook cutters are sharpened and ready to go.
  • The outerside of the ring has a convex lens-like shape and perfectly polished. Thats allow you to cut wood cleanly and smoothly without scoring.
  • The handle of the hook knife is made of maple and coated with oil.

The right version of hook knife is designed to work with the right hand towards yourself, the left version - with the left hand towards yourself.
Made by Petrograd toolworks in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

2600p(39.99) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, model Hatchet N1, curved blade

Штихели резчицкие, ПЕТРОГРАДЪ. Резцы предназначены для резьбы средних деталей и деталировки малых форм. Выполнены из стали 65Г. Ручки резцов имеют грушевидную форму, что позволяет надежно и удобно удерживать резец, при этом не утомляя кисть. Материал рукоятей - клён, покрыты маслом. Длина рукояти - 110 мм. Инструмент представлен линейкой резцов с полукруглой режущей кромкой с шириной рабочей части 27 мм(± 2 мм), 38 мм(± 2 мм), 43 мм(± 2 мм). Угол заточки 22,5±5°.

Резцы предназначены, как для любителей, так и для профессионалов.
Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ.
Сделано в России.

код модель ширина режущей части мм угол заточки
М00017112 N1 27(±2) 22,5±5°
М00017113 N2 38(±2) 22,5±5°
М00017213 N3 43(±2) 22,5±5°
1400p(21.53) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, model Hatchet N2, curved blade

Штихели резчицкие, ПЕТРОГРАДЪ. Резцы предназначены для резьбы средних деталей и деталировки малых форм. Выполнены из стали 65Г. Ручки резцов имеют грушевидную форму, что позволяет надежно и удобно удерживать резец, при этом не утомляя кисть. Материал рукоятей - клён, покрыты маслом. Длина рукояти - 110 мм. Инструмент представлен линейкой резцов с полукруглой режущей кромкой с шириной рабочей части 27 мм(± 2 мм), 38 мм(± 2 мм), 43 мм(± 2 мм). Угол заточки 22,5±5°.

Резцы предназначены, как для любителей, так и для профессионалов.
Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ.
Сделано в России.

код модель ширина режущей части мм угол заточки
М00017112 N1 27(±2) 22,5±5°
М00017113 N2 38(±2) 22,5±5°
М00017213 N3 43(±2) 22,5±5°
1400p(21.53) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, model Hatchet N3, curved blade

Штихели резчицкие, ПЕТРОГРАДЪ. Резцы предназначены для резьбы средних деталей и деталировки малых форм. Выполнены из стали 65Г. Ручки резцов имеют грушевидную форму, что позволяет надежно и удобно удерживать резец, при этом не утомляя кисть. Материал рукоятей - клён, покрыты маслом. Длина рукояти - 110 мм. Инструмент представлен линейкой резцов с полукруглой режущей кромкой с шириной рабочей части 27 мм(± 2 мм), 38 мм(± 2 мм), 43 мм(± 2 мм). Угол заточки 22,5±5°.

Резцы предназначены, как для любителей, так и для профессионалов.
Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ.
Сделано в России.

код модель ширина режущей части мм угол заточки
М00017112 N1 27(±2) 22,5±5°
М00017113 N2 38(±2) 22,5±5°
М00017213 N3 43(±2) 22,5±5°
1100p(16.92) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 240mm/80mm

Нож резчицкий ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, Богородский, 240мм/80мм. Название этого инструмента для традиционной резьбы по дереву. Богородский нож имеет прямой короткий клинок. Успешно используется как для грубой, так и для тонкой резьбы.

Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов 
Сделано в России

1700p(26.15) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Finnish type, 240mm/80mm

Нож резчицкий ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, финский, 240мм/80мм. Резчицкие с острым кончиком предназначены для деталировки и работы в труднодоступных местах. Длина лезвия 240мм или 80мм, скругленный обух. Удобная овальная рукоять из ценных пород древесины, покрыта маслом. Длина рукояти - 115мм. Отличный нож как для начинающих так и для профессионалов. Лезвие толщиной 2,5мм выполнено из высокоуглеродистой стали с закалкой до твердости 59-61 HRc. Все резцы  заточены и готовы к работе. 

Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов "ПЕТРОГРАДЪ"
Сделано в России

1700p(26.15) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, model Hatchet N7, skew

Штихель резчицкий ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, топорик N7, прямая РК. Резчицкий инструмент представлен линейкой прямых стамесок с расширяющимся клинкомИмеют широкий спектр применения при резьбе, является одним из основных ножей в геометрической резьбе, а также удобен и востребован в технике резьбы Whittling.

Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ
Сделано в России

1400p(21.53) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, skew type, 30 degrees

Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ. Ножи-косяки с углом скоса 30, 40 градусов двухсторонняя заточка. Длина лезвия -  40 мм, ширина 13 мм, прямой обух. Удобная овальная рукоять из красного дерева пропитана маслом и покрыта шеллаком. Длина рукояти - 140 мм. Нож для широкого спектра работ. Лезвие толщиной 2,5 мм выполнено из стали 65Г с закалкой до твердости 59-61 HRc. Заточен и готов к работе. 

Сделано в России

Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, skew type, 40 degrees

Carving knives with a bevel angle of 30, 37, 40 degrees double-sided sharpening. Blade length - 40 mm, width 13 mm, straight butt. A comfortable maple oval handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115 mm. Knife for a wide range of works. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of 65G (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066) steel,  hardened to 59-61 HRc. Sharpened and ready to go.

Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.


Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, type 1, D 27mm, right-handed

Основное назначение этого инструмента можно понять из его названия. Ложкорез служит для выборки лунки в деревянной ложке (черпало) , а также для других аналогичных работ.
Данная модель отличается от наших предшествующих. Внесены изменения, которые положительно повлияли на качество работы.
Ширина клинка - 8мм, внутренний радиус кольца - 15мм. Наружняя сторона кольца имеет выпуклую линзообразную форму и заполирована, что в совокупности с малой шириной клинка позволяет чисто и плавно резать древесину без задиров и ступенек.
Полная длина ложкореза - 175 мм, длина рукояти - 130 мм
Выполнен из стали 9ХС, закален до твёрдости 58-60HRC.
Удобная эргономичная овальная рукоять ложкореза выполнена из клёна и пропитана маслом.
Все ножи-ложкорезы заточены, доведены и полностью готовы к работе.
Правый ложкорез предназначен для работы правой рукой на себя, левый - левой рукой на себя.
Нож-ложкорез для резьбы деревянных ложек изготовлен на фабрике столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ. 
(Производство - Россия)

Для выбора и заказа правого или левого ножа нажмите на название товара
2600p(39.99) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, model Parrot

The tool has a hooked shape similar to a parrot's beak with a working part of 26 mm. They have a wide range of applications for carving, are one of the main knives in geometric thread, and are also convenient and in demand using the Whittling carving technique. The knife is made of steel 65G (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066) and have maple handles coated with tung oil. Sharpening angle - 20 degrees, blade thickness - 1.7 mm.
Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia

Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

PETROGRAD small chisel double bevel, 23mm / 40mm

Резец-топорик для резьбы по дереву, ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, 23 мм / 90 градусов, торцевой является частью новой линейки ножей для резьба по дереву Петроградъ. Этот нож основан на резцах-топориках мастера-резчика Адольфа Юрьева. Производство фабрика Петроградъ (Россия).

Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Carving knife PETROGRAD, model Hatchet N1, straight blade, 27mm

The model range consists of straight chisels with an expanding blade with a working part width of 11 mm, 18 mm, 27 mm, 38 mm, 43 mm. They have a wide range of applications for carving, are one of the main knives in geometric carving, and are also convenient and in demand using the Whittling carving technique. Chisels are made of steel 65G (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066) and have handles of maple, covered with tung oil. Sharpening angle - 20 degrees, blade thickness - 2 mm.
Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia

1400p(21.53) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Woodcarving knives

woodworking Awl, 165mm, straight blade, 80*5*5mm, PETROGRAD

Woodworking awl has a square blade profile that allows you to transfer much more power and mark the center of the holes with great control by not stray under the influence of wood fibers.

  • Awl blade is made of carbon steel and hardened in oil to HRC 55-60.
  • Blade length is 80mm
  • Cross section is 5mm x 5mm.
  • The shape of the handle allows you to abut the whole palm.
  • Handle made from maple, covered with linseed oil and compressed by a brass ring in attachment of blade .
  • Awl full length 165mm.

Woodworking awl was hand maded by Petrograd toolworks in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

Отзывов: 1

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 170mm/40mm

Carving knives for general use, as well as for large material removal. Blade length 40mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. All the knives are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1

Sharpening set PETROGRAD N4, for knives, 6 stones

Water stones. Grain size: 150, 360, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000. Size 15х15х120mm. Abrasive grain - silicon carbide. Bundle - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during operation. When sharpening does not overheat the steel. Does not require the use of oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Production - made in Russia.

To select and order an abrasive stone of desired grain size, click on the name of the product.

Отзывов: 3

Carving set PETROGRAD, N14

Carving set PETROGRAD, N14
The set includes:
Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 155mm/40mm
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, right-handed
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, left-handed
Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 120*15*15mm, 1000 grit
Textile 6 pocket Tool Roll, PETROGRAD, 360*260mm, for carving knives
Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.


Отзывов: 1

Leather fingertip for woodcarvers

Leather fingertip is a thumb guard for wood carvers by Petrograd toolworks. Designed to protect hands from sharp tools. Thumb guard protects your finger from cut injuries when you are moving the cutting tool towards thumb, and prevents the formation of calluses when working away from yourself. Watch pictures for more info.

  • made of 2mm leather
  • easy to use
  • save you from injures

Guard has a special ring that prevents it from slipping during operation. The thimble was made of 2mm soft leather, which provides good protection for the toe.

Thumb guard was made by Petrograd toolworks in Saint Petersburg Russia

Отзывов: 1

Lathe's tool rest PETROGRAD, arrm 350mm*D20mm, bar D25.4mm*150mm

The hand-arm for the lathe straight, PETROGRAD, 350mm, rod D25.4mm * 150mm. Straight T-shaped from a round bar with a diameter of 20mm. The clamping rod has a diameter of 25.4mm. Working rod length 350mm. Suitable for a variety of lathes. Smooth, round, non-hardened steel bar to avoid spoiling your cutting tool. Allows your cutters to slide easily and work at different angles. The round profile always has one point of support, regardless of the angle of inclination of the cutter, which makes it more convenient and versatile. This tool is for lathes.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

Отзывов: 1

PETROGRAD Cup Chuck D55mm for Woodturning Lathe M33х3.5mm

Chuck diameter 55mm. Steel unhardened chuck for turning centers. A simple and reasonably safe chuck compared to a jaw chuck. Simple and reliable and compact. Allows you to work in close proximity to it. Thread М33х3.5mm. Parts are easily and securely fastened in the chuck, as the chuck has a small inner cone. It is also possible to work without a back center.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

Отзывов: 1

Wooden spoon blanks set (Linden)

A set of blanks for making wooden spoons. The set includes two linden bars and 6 original patterns.

  • Bars measuring 200x40x25mm and 200x30x22mm.
  • Linden is a material for a beginner carver that does not require much work.
  • Excellent sanding and tinting.
  • Wood color is white.
  • Great for subsequent painting.

Before starting work, it is recommended to copy the drawings for further use on other workpieces.

Wooden blanks by Petrograd toolworks. Made in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

Отзывов: 1

PETROGRAD Center Finder, type 2, D200mm

Center finder, model n2, D200mm. Round center finder for marking and finding the center of the workpiece for turning. This is a measuring tool with which the center of the end face of cylindrical or arbitrary-shaped workpieces is found. The center-finder is made of polycarbonate. The maximum diameter of the measured workpiece is up to 200mm. Do not heat above 75 ° C. The step of the measuring scale is 10 degrees, from 0-200mm.

Отзывов: 1

Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 200*70*20mm, 120 grit

Abrasive water stones. Grit: 120, 150, 360, 500, 800, 1000,1500, 2000 and 4000 grit. Size 200x70x20mm. The abrasive grain is silicon carbide. Bond - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during work. Steel does not overheat when sharpening. Does not require oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Manufactured in Russia.

Отзывов: 1