
Shelf for 7 chisels. 400mm

Hanger for joiner's chisels, carving chisels, screwdrivers, awls and other hand tools. Made of beech wood and covered with oil. It is installed in a tool cabinet or on a wall with brass screws or glue. Screws and glue can be purchased separately.
Production of the factory of joinery and carpentry tools Petrograd
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Tool cabinet 880*440*400 mm, with two doors and one shelf

Tool cabinet 880 * 440 * 400mm, with two doors and a shelf. A plywood cabinet is designed to store tools, fittings or various accessories. The curbstone is made of 16mm plywood. With two doors and a shelf. The handles are made of oak. The height of the cabinet is 440mm, width - 880mm, depth - 400mm, height - 440mm. The curbstone has one compartment divided by a horizontal shelf.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production - (Russia)

23000p(353.74) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Стеллаж-витрина 2000*1000*500мм

Стеллаж-витрина 2000*1000*500мм предназначена для использования в торговых и выставочных залах. Надёжная конструкция обеспечивает хороший обзор и безопасное хранение экспонатов и образцов. Разборный каркас выполнен из массива бука и покрыт отделочным маслом. Каркас собран на шиповых соединениях с дополнительным усилением болтами. Раздвижные дверцы также выполнены из стекла толщиной 4мм. 
Количество полок - 5, размер поверхности - 900х400мм.
Три полки из пяти устанавливаются на полкодержатели, нагрузка на эти полки не должна превышать 10кг.
Допустимая нагрузка на полки, устанавливаемые на деревянные рамы - 20 кг.
Предусмотрена возможность устанавливать полки на разной высоте.
В боковые стойки встроены светодиодные ленточные источники света. Напряжение 220В, 50Гц.
Вес витрины около 85кг.
На заказ могут быть выполнены стеллажи любых других размеров.
Производитель оставляет за собой право вносить в конструкцию изменения, не влияющие на функциональность изделия.
Производство фабрики ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, Россия.

92000p(1414.96) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Tool cabinet 440*440*400 mm, with three drawers

Tool cabinet 440 * 440 * 400mm, with three drawers. The plywood cabinet is designed for storing tools, fasteners, fittings or various accessories. The curbstone is made of 16mm plywood. Three identical drawers. The handles are made of oak. Internal dimensions of the box: height - 125mm, depth - 355mm, width - 355mm. External dimensions: cabinet height 440mm, width - 440mm, depth - 400mm.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production - (Russia)

28000p(430.64) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Tool cabinet 440*440*400 mm, with one door and shelf

The cabinet is designed for storing carpentry or metalwork tools, oils, paints and varnishes or other accessories. The compartment with a door has a removable, adjustable shelf that divides into two sections.

Cabinet height 400mm,
Cabinet width - 440mm,
The depth of the cabinet is 440mm.
Attention! The manufacturer reserves the right to make design changes without prior notice to the consumer. Changes do not affect the performance and specifications of the product. The tool is not included.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production - (Russia)
15000p(230.7) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Tool Cabinet 835*620*230, type Esquire

Шкаф инструментальный предназначен для хранения ручного столярного инструмента. Габаритные размеры 835 х 620 х 230. Толщина боковых стенок 20 мм, филенок 10мм, это позволяет закрепить на них различные держатели и кейсы для инструмента.
Используя тумбы либо подстолье в качестве основы для шкафа, можно получить удобный инструментальный комод со всем необходимым инструментом и разместить его возле рабочего верстака.
Шкаф необходимо устанавливать на ровную горизонтальную поверхность или подвешивать строго вертикально на стену.
Материал корпуса, выдвижных ящиков массив бука. Задняя стенка, полики ящичков высококачественная берёзовая фанера. Дверки, филёнки бук, матовое стекло.
Покрытие твёрдое масло для мебели Borma в два слоя.
Дверцы установлены на латунных карточных петлях, закрываются на латунный шпингалет и врезной замок.
В комплект входят держатели для стамесок, заготовки для изготовления держателей для трёх рубанков. Инструмент не входит в комплект.

Материал бук. Корпус собран на соединения выступающий «ласточкин хвост», полка врезана на сквозные выступающие шипы. Я применял такие соединения что бы подчеркнуть идею Возрождения столярного дела, что бы эта утилитарная вещь стала образцом столярного изделия, украшением мастерской. Я постарался в этом изделии воплотить идею «искусство и ремесло». Все пропорции шкафа выбраны по принципу золотого сечения с небольшими поправками в пользу функционала.
Два выдвижных ящичка под мелочёвку, полка для конструкционных рубанков, пространство ограниченное задней стенкой и боковыми стенками корпуса для вертикального размещения выглаживающих и выравнивающих рубанков. Держатели для стамесок и отвёрток на внутренней стороне дверок. Используется каждый сантиметр внутреннего пространства. Матовые стёкла в дверках можно легко заменить на витражи, кумико, старинные гравюры. Я назвал эти стёкла «окошки вдохновения» .
При проектировании шкафа вдохновлялся книгой Пола Хаслака «Основные инструменты и технологии обработки дерева», работами Майка Пековича и инструментальным шкафом Исраэль Мартин @lacabratnlaescalera (инстаграмм).
С уважением, Сергей Клейн.»

Производство - мастерская Рубанков (Россия).

95800p(1473.4) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Tool Cabinet 880*950*400, type 2, beech wood

Tool cabinet with dimensions 880 x 950 x 400 is designed for storing tools, consumables, etc. The outer and inner surfaces of the outer and inner doors, side and even top walls are available for placing tools. A convenient organizer for planers allows you to have them always at hand. In the lower section there are 2 drawers for small tools. The sufficient thickness of the side walls and door panels allows various tool holders and cases to be attached to them. The cabinet is made of solid beech. Doors with card hinges. The cabinet is coated with Borma tung oil. Tool holders, chisel, shavings and planer attachments and tools are not included. Production - Rubankov workshop (Russia) "

Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Cabinet for hardware, 960*940*410 mm

The cabinet is designed to store a variety of accessories, tools, consumables, etc. It has 2 rows of drawers of different sizes for storing things. Each drawer has internal removable partitions. The boxes are divided into 3 compartments.
Internal dimensions of the upper drawers: height - 50mm, depth - 313mm, width - 395mm (can be divided into 2 sections - 129 and 259mm and 3 sections by 129mm each). 16 top drawers.
Internal dimensions of the bottom drawers: height - 95mm, depth - 313mm, width - 395mm (can be divided into 2 sections - 129 and 259mm and 3 sections by 129mm each). 4 lower drawers.
The sizes of the boxes may vary.
The boxes have wooden guides. The drawer fronts have no handles. You can attach the hardware to the facade yourself. The cabinet and drawers are made of 6mm, 12mm and 18mm birch plywood. Drawer fronts - beech. Coating - oil. Overall dimensions of the cabinet with top cover and bottom plinth: length 960mm, height 940mm and depth - 410mm. Production - Rubankov workshop (Russia)

Pens are not included

85500p(1314.99) out of stock
Отзывов: 1
Рейтинг :

Tool cabinets

woodworking Awl, 165mm, straight blade, 80*5*5mm, PETROGRAD

Woodworking awl has a square blade profile that allows you to transfer much more power and mark the center of the holes with great control by not stray under the influence of wood fibers.

  • Awl blade is made of carbon steel and hardened in oil to HRC 55-60.
  • Blade length is 80mm
  • Cross section is 5mm x 5mm.
  • The shape of the handle allows you to abut the whole palm.
  • Handle made from maple, covered with linseed oil and compressed by a brass ring in attachment of blade .
  • Awl full length 165mm.

Woodworking awl was hand maded by Petrograd toolworks in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

Отзывов: 1

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 170mm/40mm

Carving knives for general use, as well as for large material removal. Blade length 40mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. All the knives are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
Отзывов: 1

Sharpening set PETROGRAD N4, for knives, 6 stones

Water stones. Grain size: 150, 360, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000. Size 15х15х120mm. Abrasive grain - silicon carbide. Bundle - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during operation. When sharpening does not overheat the steel. Does not require the use of oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Production - made in Russia.

To select and order an abrasive stone of desired grain size, click on the name of the product.

Отзывов: 3

Carving set PETROGRAD, N14

Carving set PETROGRAD, N14
The set includes:
Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 155mm/40mm
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, right-handed
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, left-handed
Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 120*15*15mm, 1000 grit
Textile 6 pocket Tool Roll, PETROGRAD, 360*260mm, for carving knives
Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.


Отзывов: 1

Leather fingertip for woodcarvers

Leather fingertip is a thumb guard for wood carvers by Petrograd toolworks. Designed to protect hands from sharp tools. Thumb guard protects your finger from cut injuries when you are moving the cutting tool towards thumb, and prevents the formation of calluses when working away from yourself. Watch pictures for more info.

  • made of 2mm leather
  • easy to use
  • save you from injures

Guard has a special ring that prevents it from slipping during operation. The thimble was made of 2mm soft leather, which provides good protection for the toe.

Thumb guard was made by Petrograd toolworks in Saint Petersburg Russia

Отзывов: 1

Lathe's tool rest PETROGRAD, arrm 350mm*D20mm, bar D25.4mm*150mm

The hand-arm for the lathe straight, PETROGRAD, 350mm, rod D25.4mm * 150mm. Straight T-shaped from a round bar with a diameter of 20mm. The clamping rod has a diameter of 25.4mm. Working rod length 350mm. Suitable for a variety of lathes. Smooth, round, non-hardened steel bar to avoid spoiling your cutting tool. Allows your cutters to slide easily and work at different angles. The round profile always has one point of support, regardless of the angle of inclination of the cutter, which makes it more convenient and versatile. This tool is for lathes.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

Отзывов: 1

PETROGRAD Cup Chuck D55mm for Woodturning Lathe M33х3.5mm

Chuck diameter 55mm. Steel unhardened chuck for turning centers. A simple and reasonably safe chuck compared to a jaw chuck. Simple and reliable and compact. Allows you to work in close proximity to it. Thread М33х3.5mm. Parts are easily and securely fastened in the chuck, as the chuck has a small inner cone. It is also possible to work without a back center.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

Отзывов: 1

Wooden spoon blanks set (Linden)

A set of blanks for making wooden spoons. The set includes two linden bars and 6 original patterns.

  • Bars measuring 200x40x25mm and 200x30x22mm.
  • Linden is a material for a beginner carver that does not require much work.
  • Excellent sanding and tinting.
  • Wood color is white.
  • Great for subsequent painting.

Before starting work, it is recommended to copy the drawings for further use on other workpieces.

Wooden blanks by Petrograd toolworks. Made in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

Отзывов: 1

PETROGRAD Center Finder, type 2, D200mm

Center finder, model n2, D200mm. Round center finder for marking and finding the center of the workpiece for turning. This is a measuring tool with which the center of the end face of cylindrical or arbitrary-shaped workpieces is found. The center-finder is made of polycarbonate. The maximum diameter of the measured workpiece is up to 200mm. Do not heat above 75 ° C. The step of the measuring scale is 10 degrees, from 0-200mm.

Отзывов: 1

Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 200*70*20mm, 120 grit

Abrasive water stones. Grit: 120, 150, 360, 500, 800, 1000,1500, 2000 and 4000 grit. Size 200x70x20mm. The abrasive grain is silicon carbide. Bond - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during work. Steel does not overheat when sharpening. Does not require oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Manufactured in Russia.

Отзывов: 1