Carving axe PETROGRAD, model Zvenigorod 7, handle n23

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Топор для карвинга по дереву, ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, модель Звенигород 7, топорище н23. Резчицкий топор Звенигород предназначен для художественной обработки дерева: резьбы малых скульптурных форм, рубки посуды и прочих изделий. Небольшая масса топора делает его маневренным и позволяет работать деликатно и точно. Ручная ковка и индивидуальный подход к изготовлению каждого топора позволяет нам гарантировать его остроту и надежность. Производство фабрика Петроградъ (Россия).

Характеристики топора:

  • Сталь: 65Г
  • Закалка: 57-58 HRc
  • Угол заточки: 25 градусов
  • Материал рукояти: ясень
  • Длина режущей кромки: 120 мм
  • Общая длина: 330 мм
  • Длина рукояти: 280 мм
  • Тип заточки: прямая
  • Масса: 740 ± 10г
  • Комплектация: 2 чехла (кожаный и тканевый)

Ключевые особенности топора:

  • Бритвенно острая режущая кромка
  • Удобная рукоять
  • Ручная ковка
  • Пожизненная гарантия
  • Прямая заточка
  • Малый размер

Топоры Петроградъ

Каждый топор Петроградъ выполнен вручную с предельным вниманием к деталям. Для головы топора используется рессорная сталь 65Г, обладающая наилучшей ударной вязкостью. Рукояти изготавливаются из цельного куска массива ясеня без сучков и покрываются специальным маслом, обладающим экстремальной устойчивостью к образованию царапин.

Топорище расклинивается тремя клиньями.
В некоторых случаях дополнительно ставится ещё два клина.


Форма головы и обуха не случайны. Во время работы иногда возникает необходимость взять топор, уперев обух в ладонь, а шейка топора располагается между указательным и средним пальцем. Такой хват используется при подрезке, зачистке. Данная модель топора разработана на основе музейных образцов с учётом пожеланий многих мастеров.

  • Топорище имеет продольный изгиб.
  • Посадка топорища на 3 клина.
  • Топор поставляется в кожаном чехле, для защиты режущей кромки и удобства хранения.
Производитель оставляет за собой право вносить изменения в изделие без предварительного уведомления потребителя. Изменения не влияют на работоспособность и технические характеристики инструмента.

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Hand forged outdoor axe Roslavl VII with curved handle.

  • Total lenght is 370mm ( 14,57inch )
  • Height of axe is 140mm ( 5,51inch )
  • Lenght of cutting edge is 120mm ( 4,72inch )
  • Axe is hand forged from 65G steel (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066).
  • Curved cutting edge was straight sharpened.
  • Total weight of axe is 0,7kg  ( ± 0,05kg )
  • Handle lenght is 320mm ( 12,6inch) and it is made from solid mapple with right grain position.
  • The axe comes with leather case for protecting cutting edge.

Axe is well balanced and would be a good choice for a lot types of work. It will be great as outdoor axe, for small carpentry and othe woodwork projects. This is kind of universal axe for everyone.

Axe Roslavl VII produced by Petrograd toolworks in Saint Petersburg Russia.

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PETROGRAD Leather belt loop, type 2

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woodworking Awl, 165mm, straight blade, 80*5*5mm, PETROGRAD

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  • Blade length is 80mm
  • Cross section is 5mm x 5mm.
  • The shape of the handle allows you to abut the whole palm.
  • Handle made from maple, covered with linseed oil and compressed by a brass ring in attachment of blade .
  • Awl full length 165mm.

Woodworking awl was hand maded by Petrograd toolworks in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

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Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 170mm/40mm

Carving knives for general use, as well as for large material removal. Blade length 40mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to 59-61 HRc. All the knives are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
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Sharpening set PETROGRAD N4, for knives, 6 stones

Water stones. Grain size: 150, 360, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000. Size 15х15х120mm. Abrasive grain - silicon carbide. Bundle - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during operation. When sharpening does not overheat the steel. Does not require the use of oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Production - made in Russia.

To select and order an abrasive stone of desired grain size, click on the name of the product.

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Carving set PETROGRAD, N14

Carving set PETROGRAD, N14
The set includes:
Carving knife PETROGRAD, Bogorodsky type, 155mm/40mm
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, right-handed
Spoon knife, PETROGRAD, D 27mm, left-handed
Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 120*15*15mm, 1000 grit
Textile 6 pocket Tool Roll, PETROGRAD, 360*260mm, for carving knives
Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.


Отзывов: 1

Leather fingertip for woodcarvers

Leather fingertip is a thumb guard for wood carvers by Petrograd toolworks. Designed to protect hands from sharp tools. Thumb guard protects your finger from cut injuries when you are moving the cutting tool towards thumb, and prevents the formation of calluses when working away from yourself. Watch pictures for more info.

  • made of 2mm leather
  • easy to use
  • save you from injures

Guard has a special ring that prevents it from slipping during operation. The thimble was made of 2mm soft leather, which provides good protection for the toe.

Thumb guard was made by Petrograd toolworks in Saint Petersburg Russia

Отзывов: 1

Lathe's tool rest PETROGRAD, arrm 350mm*D20mm, bar D25.4mm*150mm

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Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

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PETROGRAD Cup Chuck D55mm for Woodturning Lathe M33х3.5mm

Chuck diameter 55mm. Steel unhardened chuck for turning centers. A simple and reasonably safe chuck compared to a jaw chuck. Simple and reliable and compact. Allows you to work in close proximity to it. Thread М33х3.5mm. Parts are easily and securely fastened in the chuck, as the chuck has a small inner cone. It is also possible to work without a back center.

Made at the PETROGRAD joinery and carpentry tools factory.
Production (Russia)

Отзывов: 1

Wooden spoon blanks set (Linden)

A set of blanks for making wooden spoons. The set includes two linden bars and 6 original patterns.

  • Bars measuring 200x40x25mm and 200x30x22mm.
  • Linden is a material for a beginner carver that does not require much work.
  • Excellent sanding and tinting.
  • Wood color is white.
  • Great for subsequent painting.

Before starting work, it is recommended to copy the drawings for further use on other workpieces.

Wooden blanks by Petrograd toolworks. Made in Saint-Petersburg Russia.

Отзывов: 1

PETROGRAD Center Finder, type 2, D200mm

Center finder, model n2, D200mm. Round center finder for marking and finding the center of the workpiece for turning. This is a measuring tool with which the center of the end face of cylindrical or arbitrary-shaped workpieces is found. The center-finder is made of polycarbonate. The maximum diameter of the measured workpiece is up to 200mm. Do not heat above 75 ° C. The step of the measuring scale is 10 degrees, from 0-200mm.

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Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 200*70*20mm, 120 grit

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Отзывов: 1