Wooden bench plane PETROGRAD, 50mm/230mm

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Classic bench plane with brass cap and wedge shaped blade. This is a common wooden hand plane for surface flattening. Sole of hand plane was made of hard wood. We had replace the wooden wedge with brass cap mechanism for more secure fix and for minimizing vibrations of hand plane blade during the work.

  • lenght of sole - 230mm
  • width of blade - 50mm

Fixing cap is mounted on a strong steel stud, the knob acts as a lever. This design of the clamping cap allows for quick and accurate adjustment of the blade overhang. Body of hand plane was coated with oil. Blade installation angle - 50 °. The blade made of alloy tool steel and hardened to a hardness of 59-61HRC.

  • blade installation angle - 50 °
  • blade dimensions: length - 175mm
  • blade width - 50mm
  • blade shape - wedge
  • The minimum thickness of the blade is 2.2 mm, the maximum thickness is 3.5 mm
  • The blade sharpening angle is 25 ° and the micro chamfer on the edge is 30 °

Hand plane was produced by Petrograd toolworks in Saint Petersburg Russia.

Hand plane Specification:
Weight: 0.93 kg
Type: Bench plane N4
Blade Steel: ШХ15 (alloy tool steel)
Blade shape: wedge
Blade hardness: 59-61HRc
Edge blade: Straight
Blade lenght: 175 mm
Blade width: 50 mm
Sole material: hornbeam
Body material: maple
Handle material: Oak*
Sole lenght: 230 mm
* handle material can various from batch to batch

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Magazine Master&Workshop 2021 № 3 (13)

Журнал Мастер и мастерская 2021 № 3 (13). Это периодический журнал о деревообработке, мастерах и мастерских, о новостях столярного мира. Лучшие мастера делятся со всеми желающими своими знаниями и опытом. Иллюстрированный специализированный полноцветный журнал.

на обложке:

Основатель и руководитель Школы классического судомоделизма Дмитрий Глазов (фото Ивана Бочкова)

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Apron RUBANKOV, model 4, light-brown

Фартук Столярный Rubankov кожаный, светло-коричневый. Длина фартука - 800 мм, ширина - 680 мм. Нагрудный карман c 1 отделением. Размеры нагрудного кармана - длина 150 мм, ширина 175 мм. Лямки и поясной ремень оборудованы застежками и пряжками. Цвет фартука - светло-коричневый. На фартук нанесен логотип Rubankov. Материал - 100 % натуральная кожа, металлическая фурнитура.
Сделано в России.

Отзывов: 1

Sharpening stone PETROGRAD, 200*70*20mm, 6000 grit

Water stones. Grain size: 3000 and 6000 grit. Size 200*70*20mm. Abrasive grain - silicon carbide. Bundle - ceramics. Hardness I ensures minimal wear of the stone during operation. When sharpening does not overheat the steel. Does not require the use of oil. Soak in water for 2-10 minutes before use. Designed for sharpening steels and hard alloys. Made in Japan.

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Protective wax for tools, PETROGRAD, 40ml

Protective wax for instrument maintenance, PETROGRAD, 40ml. Wax is an excellent material for protecting carpentry and cutting tools from corrosion. The oil is also suitable for lubricating secateurs, bone cutters and scissors, chisels, chisels, axes, adzes and other steel tools.
Contains paraffins, stearic acid, gelling agent, stabilizer, preservatives for metals, orthophosphoric acid, which protects instruments from aggressive environments. Perfect for protecting planing knives, chisels and other cutting tools, it is also suitable for protecting firearms from rust. The tool is not included.
The wax is applied to the surface in a thin layer with gloves using a sponge or brush.
Packaging - plastic jar. Volume - 40 ml.
Отзывов: 1

Carving knife PETROGRAD, Finnish type, 200mm/60mm

Carving knives with a sharp tip are designed for detailing and working in hard to reach places. Blade length 45mm or 60mm, rounded butt. A comfortable oval redwood handle is saturated with oil and covered with shellac. The length of the handle - 115mm. Excellent knife for both beginners and professionals. The 2.5 mm thick blade is made of high carbon steel hardened to a 59-61 HRc. All the cutters are sharpened and ready to go. Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.
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Carving knife PETROGRAD, skew type, 30 degrees

Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ. Ножи-косяки с углом скоса 30, 40 градусов двухсторонняя заточка. Длина лезвия -  40 мм, ширина 13 мм, прямой обух. Удобная овальная рукоять из красного дерева пропитана маслом и покрыта шеллаком. Длина рукояти - 140 мм. Нож для широкого спектра работ. Лезвие толщиной 2,5 мм выполнено из стали 65Г с закалкой до твердости 59-61 HRc. Заточен и готов к работе. 

Сделано в России

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Adze PETROGRAD, type n3, Svedish style, half round, external bevel

Adze N3 was created on the basis of samples of adzes from Sweden and Norway, whose house-building traditions have the same deep roots as in Russia

Forged tempered to hardness - 58-60HRc. The adze is made of spring steel 65 g (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066). The width of the blade is 75 mm. Overall length - 650 mm. Weight - 1.6 kg.

Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools.

Made in Russia.


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Cutting knife PETROGRAD, double bevel 30 deg, 20mm/167mm

Knives jambs with a bevel angle of 30 degrees.

The blade length is shown in the table, the blade thickness is about 2 mm. The blade is made of 65G (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066) steel hardened of 59-61 HRc. Convenient rectangular handle of sapele soaked with oil. Sharpened and ready to go. Knives with a slanting sharpening have a wide range of applications (carving, marking, working with cardboard, marquetry, intarsia, veneering, working with leather, producing musical instruments, modeling and in everyday life).

Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.


item code sharpening, deg width, mm length, mm thickness, mm
М00013992 left-sided 20 180 2
М00013991 right-sided 20 180 2
М00013993 double-sided 20 180 2
Отзывов: 1

Checkering tool complete C-1, 90°

Checkering tool C-1 has 1 pyramidal tooth. Angle top 90 degrees. All the cutters are made of steel, undergone the process of hardening and processing, for long and reliable work.
It is V-shaped with teeth on both sides. Checkering tool C-1 is designed for applying the original layout of the picture, as well as for deepening the grooves after their application, with other cutters.
The wooden handle is made of beech, well balanced and lies comfortably in your hand.
Pay attention to the high relief, providing fast and smooth cutting. The tines provide good removal of all hardwoods.
The cutter doesnt look like cutting - deep or shallow grooves, right or rounded corners, parallel lines or cross-hatching, in the direction of the fiber or across. No need to re-do the pass to treat uneven areas. Equal each element is obtained.

The width of the working part is 5 mm, the length of the working part is 11 mm, the apex angle 90 degrees.

Totally hand made at PETROGRAD factory of joinery and carpentry tools. Made in Russia.

Отзывов: 1

Bit for checkering tool N2-16, 90°

Насадка на резец для чекеринга N2-16, 90° (две РК). Обе стороны с зубчиками. Используется для нанесения канавок и их углубления после нанесения. Одно лезвие проходит вдоль направляющей линии, в то время как другое намечает следующую канавку. При переходе на следующую канавку инструмент углубляет ее и снова наносит следующую канавку. Резец 2 Представляет из себя комбинацию инструментов для расширения и углубления канавок. Обе вершинки являются резцами.

Производство - фабрика столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ.
Сделано в России

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Outdoor axe PETROGRAD, model Roslavl V, curved handle

Small axe Roslavl V (hatchet) with curved handle. Axe has a superior cutting abilities, it's lightweight and short. Would be good choiсe for any outdoor activity like campings, spoon making, making bonfire and etc. This axe is ideal for those who want take a small axe for different ways of use when you are going out and about in the countryside or fishing or hunting.The axe is also excellent for delimbing a tree and making wooden stakes.

  • Total lenght is 270 mm ( 10,63 inch )
  • Height of axe is 130 mm ( 5,12 inch )
  • Lenght of cutting edge is 90 mm ( 3,54 inch )
  • Axe is hand forged from 65G steel (Germany 66Mn4, Ck67, USA 1066).
  • Curved cutting edge was straight sharpened.
  • Total weight of axe is 0,5 kg  ( ± 0,05kg )
  • Handle lenght is 270 mm ( 10,63 inch) and it is made from solid mapple with right grain position.
  • The axe comes with leather case for protecting cutting edge.

Axe is well balanced and would be a good choice for a lot types of work. It will be great as outdoor axe, for small carpentry and othe woodwork projects. This is kind of universal axe for everyone.

Axe Roslavl V produced by Petrograd toolworks in Saint Petersburg Russia.

axe Roslavl V specifications:
Head weight: 0.34 kg
Full weight: 0.5 kg
Type: outdoor hatchet
Steel: 65Г
Hardness: 55-58HRc
Handle material: Maple*
Handle lenght: 270 mm
Edge: Curved
Sharpening angle: 30 degrees
Blade lenght: 90 mm
Total lenght: 270 mm
 * material of handles may changes from batch to batch.
** coating oil may changes too
Отзывов: 1

Chisel handle n18

Рукоять для стамесок n17. Ручка имеет восьмигранную эргономичную форму. Не шлифована, ничем не покрыта, с кольцом. Латунное кольцо придает изысканный вид и предотвращает рукоять от растрескивания. Рукоять изготовлена из ценных пород древесины. Ударная сторона закруглена, чтобы не наминать мозоли на ладонях. В рукояти имеется отверстие для хвостовика стамески.

Производство фабрики столярных и плотницких инструментов ПЕТРОГРАДЪ

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Carving set PETROGRAD n18, 6 tools, chisel handles

Набор мини стамесок для резьбы по дереву, ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, N18, 6 предметов. Авторский набор резцов для миниатюрной резьбы по дереву. Эти прекрасные инструменты подойдут для моделистов, любителей миниатюрной резьбы и для максимальной деталировки резьбы. Набор включает четыре полукруглые стамески, одну плоскую стамеску и уголок. Производство Россия.

Отзывов: 1

Chisel & file handle n26

Рукоять для стамесок и напильников n26, 132мм – это великолепная и продуманная ручка. Она может быть применима к стамескам, рашпилям, напильникам. Материал – массив ясеня высшего сорта. Рукоять обладает латунным кольцом. Производство фабрика Петроградъ (Россия).

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