- New
- Axes, hatchets, adzes
- Basket weaving tools (wickerwork tools)
- Books & magazines
- Checkering tools
- Долота ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, серия Двина
- Коротки стамески серии Нева
- Timber framing chisels
- Cabinetmaking chisels
- Carving chisels Petrograd
- Carving chisels Rubankov
- Стамески для резьбы, серия Истукан
- Стамески ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, серия Охта, столярные скошенные
- Стамески ПЕТРОГРАДЪ, серия Печора, для зачистки дна паза
- Столярные стамески серии Волга
- Столярные стамески, серия Мста, "рыбий хвост"
- Угловые стамески
- Clamps
- Drawknives
- Flap sanding wheels
- Garden tools
- Gifts & souvenirs
- Hammers, Mallets, Screwdrivers
- Hand planes
- Knives
- Measurement and Мarking
- Saws
- Sharpeping
- Storage systems
- Tool Sets
- Wood carving tools
- Woodturning tools
- Work clothes
- Workshop furniture
- Мебель для дома
- Сверление и завинчивание
Total cart price: руб.
Vacancy: Sharpner at the Petrograd toolworks
The Petrograd toolworks is expanding and is looking for an enthusiastic and responsible person for an equally responsible task - to make the instrument sharp!
Main responsibilities:
8 (965) 095-3394
[email protected]
Sergey Gololobov
Main responsibilities:
- roughing of workpieces
- tool grinding
- sharpening (knives, axes, scrapers, etc.)
- knowledge of tool sharpening technologies
- experience
- Russia Saint Petersburg ( city Krasnoe Selo )
- 5 days a week
- Stable salary
- Experienced and passionate team
- Opportunity to develop your skills and knowledge
8 (965) 095-3394
[email protected]
Sergey Gololobov