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Woodturning Cup chucks by Petrograd toolworks
We are glad to present one new interesting chuck for woodturning by Petrograd toolworks - Cup chuck.
Cup chuck is in first place a woodturning chunk for spindle turning various types of wood pieces thats are hard, or even can't fix in lathe centers. Ofen for this type of product are used a wood that remains from other projects. In cause of the construction of the cup chuck it has no protrude parts and because of that they are more way safe for use. In that case they are some times called a smooth chuck ( rus. "гладкий патрон" )
Petrograd toolworks produces 4 sizes of cup chucks in 2 variations, one with M33*3.5 thread for normal and big lathes and another with 1"*8unc thread for small lathes.
Examples of cup chuck by Petrograd toolworks:
Full range of chucks by Petrograd tools you can see by link: Catalogue of wood turning chucks
Also you can watch a video about our cup chucks from woodturning school Rubankov
Thanks for your attention. Have a good mood and nice woodturning projects.